It’s a 21st Birthday!

Last week my brother celebrated his 21st Birthday! In honour of this very special occassion, I decided to get creative to celebrate!

So I first of all made him a card…


After realising that a pyramid of 6 lines going from 1-6 on each line, equaled 21 I decided to use this in my design, go on count the 21’s if you don’t believe me!
I also decided it would be a chance to practice a bit of typography, what do you think of the fonts?!

And for (part of) his present, I made my brother something that all sweet toothed people (like my brother) would love.
My idea for this came from many similar pins that I’ve seen on Pinterest.


Using chocolate/sweet packets to replace some of the words, makes a great present for a sweetie-holic!
I must admit whilst making this my stomach was rumbling! Quite a while was spent in the supermarket, picking out the right confectionary to make up my board!

So if you’ve got a special person’s birthday coming up (21st or not) please use these as inspiration if you’re stuck for ideas!

Lyrics Into Art

For a while now I’ve been into Typography, I love the way that words can be transformed into something else just by changing the font.

I guess I’ve always been a fan of typography, from the day when I discovered Word Art on Microsoft Word to the present, I’ve always tried to make my writing look good.

However going from computer to paper is different. On a computer you can edit and change things around so easily, with paper and pen you have to have an idea and stick to it!

I’ve also been a long time fan of many a song lyric, so decided to blend the two together.

Here’s a few bits I’ve done recently!


Words taken from – ‘All These Things That I’ve Done’ by The Killers


Words taken from ‘Time for Heroes’ by The Libertines.
Here I tried to use fonts that represented the words ‘stylish’ and ‘riot’.


An imitation of the cover of ‘D.A.N.C.E’ by Justice

If you like this, let me know!
I’m planning to do some more of these so if you have any ideas of good lyrics to use let me know!

Two books about Rosie

The Rosie Project‘ and it’s sequel ‘The Rosie Effect‘ are books written by Graeme Simsion and they are in fact rather good books at that!

Starting off with ‘The Rosie Project’, I’d heard big things about it, what a brilliant piece of fiction it was, praised by many a person. So I thought I’d see what all the fuss was about.
One thing that put me off reading it first of all was that the title, in my mind, related to ‘An Abundance of Katherines‘ by John Green. Another great author, (I loved ‘Fault In Our Stars‘ and ‘Looking For Alaska‘)yet I did not get on with this title. However due to all the great reviews for ‘The Rosie Project’ I decided out to put my thoughts to one side and give it a read nonetheless.


And wow I’m glad I did! (Don’t judge a book by it’s cover!) The Rosie project is an brilliantly written book, following the life of Don Tillman, somewhat lost in life trying to put himself back on a sensible path by creating ‘the wife project’ to find himself someone to spend the rest of his life with. A slightly abnormal to do, quizzing potential women and calculating their score to see if they are efficient enough. If you’re a Big Bang Theory fan you may, like myself, compare Don to Sheldon Cooper, they seem to have many similarities. A man stuck in a world of science, no social skills and no idea how to attract women!

The Rosie Project begins when Don meets a girl called Rosie, a girl he believes fails at his wife project, however that is soon dismissed when Rosie asks him to help her with a problem of her own, therefore igniting ‘the Rosie project’. Of course as they get to know each other, the relationship develops and well I’m not going to tell you what happens!
Pick up a copy and give it a read yourself, it’ll be worth it!

‘The Rosie Effect’ is the sequel to the aforementioned book.

Once again following the lives of rosie effectRosie and Don. With moments that’ll make you laugh and moments that’ll make you cringe, it’s another great read from Graeme Simsion. I’m not going to go into what happens in the story as it could cause spoilers for the prequel, but I can tell you that after reading the first in this series you’ll definitely want to see what happens in all the characters lives next and this book will reveal all!

If you’re looking for a great story this summer, these two books will keep you well entertained!