Review: Wolf Alice ‘My Love Is Cool’

Everyone’s going on about it, yes Glastonbury officially starts tomorrow and well all I can say is that I’m jealous of anyone who’s going along!

One band playing during the weekend is Wolf Alice, hailing from North London, their debut album ‘My Love Is Cool‘ was released on Monday and after a few listens, I must say that if you catch them this weekend you’ll have fun!

'My Love Is Cool' Debut album from Wolf Allice

‘My Love Is Cool’ Debut album from Wolf Allice

Many people have described this album to be similar to that of the 90’s grunge scene, however singer & front lady Ellie Rowsell has told NME, “It’s 100 percent not a grunge record. It’s a much braver record than that.” Yes that’s true. Whilst there are moments of tribute to 90’s grunge, there’s a lot more in this album and the more you hear it, the more you will discover.

Favourite track of the album for me has to be ‘Bros‘, I’ve loved this track since I first heard it early last year. However there’s now the ‘newer’ version of this track, which when released received some controversy from fans who preferred the original. I at first agreed with them but after many listens over and over I fell back in love with the song and in my opinion it remains one of my favourite songs of the year so far and I’m forever bursting out into song with it!

Other highlights on the album include single ‘Giant Peach‘, ‘Your Loves Whore’ and ‘Turn to Dust’

So if you’re a fan of the band already or if you’re looking for something new to try, get this album, you’ll enjoy it!

A great debut album, and one of the best I’ve heard in 2015.

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