The Gin Journey

If you’re a fan of gin, this is going to be worth a read! As they say… when life throws you lemons, add gin!

I recently organised my friend’s hen do, with my fellow bridesmaids. Knowing that the bride is a big fan of the juniper based drink we knew it had to include some gin! We found the Gin Journey in East London and booked it up, with 12 of us appearing on the day!

Having not done anything like this before, I had no idea what to expect. I knew there was going to be several bars to visit and well, I also knew there would be gin!


We visited 5 bars altogether (see list below), each of which were great. At each bar we were givenĀ a gin based cocktail and a small measure of the gin to taste straight. Accompanying these tasty drinks, we were told all about the gin we were drinking, some of which I remember and a lot of which I do not!

The second bar we visited (East London Liquor Company, Victoria Park), was a distillery, so we got to go ‘behind the scenes’ and learnt the distilling process of gin!


To get us from bar to bar we travelled on a mini bus (aptly named the Ginny Bus!), on which we learnt more ginny facts and also had the opportunity to win ourselves some gin by answering gin based questions. There was also a competition throughout the tour to see who could post the best social media posts about the gin journey, which I am very pleased to say, I won!

This was my prize!


Leon and myself with my wrapped up prize!

Overall this was a great afternoon spent in the East of London, a journey that took us to some great bars, that we probably would not have found if we had been walking the streets ourselves! Our host was Leon Dalloway, who was great fun and has an amazing knowledge of gin!

Everyone who has asked me about it has got the same answer:

‘It was just so much fun!’


List of bars we visited:

‘Three Sheets’ – Dalston
‘East London Liquor Company’ – Victoria Park
‘Hawksmoor’ – Spitalfields’ – Shoreditch
‘Worship Street Whistling Shop’ – Old Street
’46 & Mercy/Hotbox’ – Spitalfields

So it’s been a while…

Indeed it has. Apologies on that front but, life just got in the way, as it always does.


Over the past few months I’ve been dying to get back on here, I’ve got a lot of posts ready in my head that need to be transferred to your screens!

So please sit back and enjoy what’s to come!