Welcome To Wherever You Are

Welcome to wherever you are‘, is by John Marrs and tells the tale of 8 strangers, all of whom are staying in the same back packing hostel in L.A. Everyone here has there own story and their own reason for being there, whether it’s something they’ve been running from or their trying to find themselves.

Welcome to WhereThe story is quite hard to follow at first although, I may have thought this having read it quite sporadically to start with, meaning that I tended to forget who was who and what their back story was. Once I got into the book though, I found it hard to put down. The second part of the book was definitely more interesting, as by then we know why everyone is where they are, or at least we know part of the story. From then on you’ll want to keep reading to find out what happens to this bunch of people. Will they find what they need or will the past catch up with them?

You’ll come to love the characters too, for most of them, my opinions changed. You’ll come to love them all, hoping that they end up being ok. Throughout the story, John Marrs brings the characters together, making friendships and enemies with each other and all these help to create what the final ending will be for each of them.

This book is a great read, once you get into it, as I said it’s confusing at first. There’s a lot of different plot lines going on at the same time, but once they all start coming together, you’ll want to keep on reading, right to the very last line.


When You Disappeared

Anything for her

If you’re wanting a great psychological thriller to read, then I recommend that you pick up ‘Anything For Her‘ by Jack Jordan, a book that will keep you hooked from beginning to end.

Anything for herThe story begins Michael telling his wife, Louise that he’s been having an affair with her younger sister. Feeling betrayed, Louise leaves and heads for their other home in the Cotswolds. At the same time as this, Michael is facing arrest, time in prison and being charged for inside trading, tax evasion and theft from his employees’ funds. Michael and Louise have two children, Brooke and Dominic.

The two children miss their mum and both know that life isn’t going to be the same. Brooke goes to visit her mum in the Cotswolds, however doesn’t make it back home after she leaves. With Brooke missing and strange things starting to happen, we find out that Brooke and Louise share a secret that could hold the answers to what has happened, but it’s not until the end of the book that we find out what happened to cause the mess that’s been created.

This book will keep you hanging on till the very end, dying to know what Brooke and Louise’s secret is and the reason for the strange events that are happening and how they all link up.

Chasing Daisy

And it’s another great read by Paige Toon, (boy can she write!) This one is called ‘Chasing Daisy’, which tells the tale of Daisy and her life working for a Formula One team, travelling the world.

Chasing DaisyThe book mainly focuses on Daisy’s relationships with the team’s two drivers, Will and Luis. She’s determined that she hates Luis, after arguing with him after a near collision, with her on a moped. Will however is lovely, although he likes to keep himself to himself, Daisy and Will get close and Daisy starts to develop feelings for him.

On the other side of things, Daisy has a few secrets of her own. Claiming that she’s off men and is not looking for a new one to be in her life, whilst also staying quiet about her family and her successful father, she feels terrible for keeping the other half of her life secret from everybody, especially her best friend Holly.

At the beginning of the story I did feel it was very Formula One based, not being a fan of the sport, I started to feel this may not turn out to be as good as the previous reads I’ve had of Paige Toon’s work. However, I’m glad to say I was proved very wrong! A big event happens in the middle of the story and from there, I was glued and couldn’t put it down!

So give this a read, if like me you’re a fan of Paige Toon, this book made me laugh and cry at the same time and I really enjoyed it!


Lucy in the Sky
Johnny Be Good
Baby Be Mine
Pictures of Lily


Get Geometric

I have always loved geometric patterns, the way shapes tessellate together really soothes my mind as opposed to ones that don’t! A few weeks ago I was a bit bored and found myself looking for something different to do. I came across an old colouring book of mine (one, I’ll admit I had not yet used for the joys of colouring), I picked it up and looked for something interesting that I could colour. I found these two lovely geometric patterns, picked up some sharpies and coloured away!

Only a few days later I was watching Channel 4’s new series ‘Craft It Yourself‘, in which they were kitting out a blank room with geometric and graphic patterns. The stuff they made was amazing and you can watch the episode here. This gave me the inspiration to create some little drawings of my own in the same style:

Geometric patterns are a real trend at the moment and I’m sure you’ve seen them when you’ve been out and about, if not keep your eyes open as there’s some great ones out there. If you want to see what I mean, take a look at my geometric Pinterest board.

The Little Paris Bookshop

The Little Paris Bookshop‘ is written by Nina George and is a great one to read, if like the main character Jean Perdu, you have a great love for books.

The Little Paris BookshopJean runs a bookshop, but not any old bookshop, it’s one he calls a ‘literary apothecary’, he prescribes books for his customers to sooth their troubled souls. People come to visit him at his floating shop, a boat on the river Seine. Jean converted the boat himself and reflects one day that it is ‘a common misconception that booksellers looked after books. They look after people.’

Whilst caring for the souls of his visitors, Jean start to realise that he is unable to cure himself. Having nursed a broken heart for 21 years, he decides it’s time to cure himself and go out to find the love of his life, who left him in Paris with nothing but a handwritten letter, that he has never dared to read.


The book follows Jean on his search for Manon with his writer friend (Max), along the river Rhone.

This is a great read if you’re someone who can imagine themselves as being on the journey along with the characters, seeing the places they go to, whilst all the time trying to answer the question of what happened to Manon.

Making Playlists

Let you introduce to you, one of my favourite hobbies… making playlists!

Since a young age I have very much been into music and my record collection now consists of everything from the latest releases to those golden oldies. My playlist making started with making mix-tapes, moving on to CDs and then making playlists on my iPod. Of course now we’re very lucky for the fact that music is easily accessible through the means of streaming services, such as Spotify and Apple Music where you can listen to pretty much anything you want!

I often use Spotify to make playlists of my own. Whether it’s making one starting from scratch or taking inspiration from a playlist that’s already been made, I find this a great hobby to partake in and enjoy listening to the finished result.

There’s two playlists that I have recently been working on:

Smash Hits | The 90s | LHF Edit

LHF EditThis is an example of me taking inspiration from a playlist that’s already been made. I took a look at the Smash Hits | The 90s playlist and listened to it and found that there were a few songs I didn’t recognise and a few more that I didn’t want to be reminded of! Plus I knew there were some great songs from the 90s that weren’t included, so I made my own version!


The Mix

The MixThis is a playlist I made by myself from the very beginning, it’s basically a mix of the kind of tracks that I enjoy, I started about a year ago and it has grown a lot since then and I’m sure it’ll keep growing!



So take a look and take a listen, then let me know what you think by commenting below!

When You Disappeared

When You Disappeared‘ is a book by John Marrs, which tells the stories of Catherine and Simon, husband and wife until one day Simon disappears.

When You DIsappearedCatherine at first thinks that Simon has gone for his morning run before work as per usual and thinks nothing of it when he’s not there, when she wakes up. However when she realises that he never made it into work that day, she knows that something is not right. Thoughts run around her head, was it something she did? Is Simon in trouble? How could he just up and leave her and their children?

However, Simon knows exactly what’s going on. Throughout the book we hear what happened from both Catherine’s and Simon’s points of view. We also hear what happens when Simon returns home 25 years after he disappeared. As they both tell their stories to each other, we find out exactly what happened and their thoughts about what happened.

I would say that this book is a mystery, although we know that Simon has returned in the first chapter, we don’t know the reason why he left and the book takes us through a journey as we gradually start to see why.

So if you like a bit of a mystery, take a read of this, a lot of unbelievable incidents happen in the story and your views of the main characters will change throughout. It’s a hard read to begin with, but once you get the hang of the times frames in which the story is told, you’ll find this one to be a great read.


Welcome To Wherever You Are