Get Geometric

I have always loved geometric patterns, the way shapes tessellate together really soothes my mind as opposed to ones that don’t! A few weeks ago I was a bit bored and found myself looking for something different to do. I came across an old colouring book of mine (one, I’ll admit I had not yet used for the joys of colouring), I picked it up and looked for something interesting that I could colour. I found these two lovely geometric patterns, picked up some sharpies and coloured away!

Only a few days later I was watching Channel 4’s new series ‘Craft It Yourself‘, in which they were kitting out a blank room with geometric and graphic patterns. The stuff they made was amazing and you can watch the episode here. This gave me the inspiration to create some little drawings of my own in the same style:

Geometric patterns are a real trend at the moment and I’m sure you’ve seen them when you’ve been out and about, if not keep your eyes open as there’s some great ones out there. If you want to see what I mean, take a look at my geometric Pinterest board.

App Recommendation – Colorfy

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while now you may remember a post I made back in March about Adult colouring books. Unfortunately for me, I’ve found recently that I haven’t had much time for the activity. However I think I’ve found something that may have solved my problem!

When browsing the app store this morning I came across ‘Colorfy, an app that lets you colour on your tablet/phone! For the time conscious amongst us it is very useful, as instead of spending time colouring in a block, just one tap will immediately fill the section with colour. It’s also handy if you change your mind on the colours you’ve used as you can change them around as many times as you like, allowing you to test out different colours to see which fits best!

Here’s one I completed this morning… What do you think?!


The only bad thing about not colouring in real life is that you can’t shade and blend colours, however if you like to keep it bold & simple this app works wonders!
It’ll be a great thing to have on train commutes, relieving you from the stress of the working day!

Adult Colouring Books

Two things that stereotypically don’t go together are adults and colouring books, seen much more as a child’s activity.
However I have recently brought back that childhood feeling of enjoyment by purchasing myself a colouring book, okay so it’s not necessarily one that a child would pick out but yes it’s actually targeted towards adults!

Most people wouldn’t see colouring as a form of art, but since I’ve started the joys of colouring, I’ve realised how creative you can actually be. It’s great for people like me who aren’t that good at drawing, so it’s great that the pictures and patterns are already drawn for you! However using your creative minds you are able to make it your own piece of work by selecting your own colours and ways of colouring to make the picture become unique.

Doing some research I found many an adult colouring book available from a range of places and I chose Souris Hong-Pourretta’s ‘Outside The Lines‘ as my first visit back into the world of colouring. I must say I have been enjoying colouring in the great pieces of art inside and have found it a rather relaxing activity, it seems to take your mind off the worries and stresses you have in life, leaving you to focus on completing the page.

Here’s some colouring that I’ve already done…

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And it seems I’m not the only one who’s got the bug for colouring, a couple of weeks ago I was watching ‘The One Show‘ on BBC1 and there was a feature about adult colouring books, plus browsing the news websites today I found this article on the subject!

So grab yourself a colouring book, put on some music and let your stresses fade away with the joys of colouring!