Get Geometric

I have always loved geometric patterns, the way shapes tessellate together really soothes my mind as opposed to ones that don’t! A few weeks ago I was a bit bored and found myself looking for something different to do. I came across an old colouring book of mine (one, I’ll admit I had not yet used for the joys of colouring), I picked it up and looked for something interesting that I could colour. I found these two lovely geometric patterns, picked up some sharpies and coloured away!

Only a few days later I was watching Channel 4’s new series ‘Craft It Yourself‘, in which they were kitting out a blank room with geometric and graphic patterns. The stuff they made was amazing and you can watch the episode here. This gave me the inspiration to create some little drawings of my own in the same style:

Geometric patterns are a real trend at the moment and I’m sure you’ve seen them when you’ve been out and about, if not keep your eyes open as there’s some great ones out there. If you want to see what I mean, take a look at my geometric Pinterest board.

Easter Tags

Instead of making easter cards this year, I decided to go for something more simplistic and make some little tags to stick to the eggs I’ll be giving out!

A simple theme – flowers for girls, eggs for boys!

Here’s what they look like…


© Lucy Pullen


Each personalised to the recipient’s initial. I hope they will be well received!
Also have you noticed the tiny bunny cutout at the bottom? I couldn’t resist!

A Card For Mothers Day

I’ve been card-making once again, this time one for Mothers Day.
Looking for ideas and inspiration on Pinterest, the place where I get many a great idea for a crafty project, I found an image that gave me an idea!

Using this image plus my own little additions I made this card for my Mum!


Using the same wording, but making it my own by adding in the illustrations and a change of colour to suit (my Mum’s favourite colour is purple!), I created something that I hope will make my Mum’s face light up in a few days time!

Hope you all have a great Mothers Day!

Happy Birthday Grandpa!

Next week my Grandpa turns 80, born on the 3rd March 1935.
To celebrate, I’ve made him a card and thought I’d post a picture of it on here for you all to see!
I got my inspiration for this card from this image I saw on Pinterest, but decided to change it around a bit and add in a personal touch as well.

Let me know what you think, I love making cards for people, it adds that personal touch!
