Get Geometric

I have always loved geometric patterns, the way shapes tessellate together really soothes my mind as opposed to ones that don’t! A few weeks ago I was a bit bored and found myself looking for something different to do. I came across an old colouring book of mine (one, I’ll admit I had not yet used for the joys of colouring), I picked it up and looked for something interesting that I could colour. I found these two lovely geometric patterns, picked up some sharpies and coloured away!

Only a few days later I was watching Channel 4’s new series ‘Craft It Yourself‘, in which they were kitting out a blank room with geometric and graphic patterns. The stuff they made was amazing and you can watch the episode here. This gave me the inspiration to create some little drawings of my own in the same style:

Geometric patterns are a real trend at the moment and I’m sure you’ve seen them when you’ve been out and about, if not keep your eyes open as there’s some great ones out there. If you want to see what I mean, take a look at my geometric Pinterest board.

Another 4 Little Drawings

So I’ve got my sketchbook out again and having enjoyed doing those little drawings before (see here), I decided to do a few more, this time adding colour into two of them.
Here’s what happened…

4 little drawings

© Lucy Pullen


What do you think?!
Using colour was more interesting and allowed me to do something different, yet I did miss the simplicity of using just black and white, which I suppose is why I did half and half!

The red circles one was the most time consuming, filling in the tiny spaces and coming up with different patterns to do so, however I’m pretty happy with the finished effect!

These are really great things to do, if you don’t want to get swamped by one big project, do four little ones instead!

Just some little drawings

This morning I was quite disappointed to hear that my fitness class had been cancelled, (see below for a review on that!) having got up especially early in order to get there on time.
However I avoided the temptation to go back to bed and decided to get out my sketchbook and do something arty!

So here’s what I came up with….

©Lucy Pullen

©Lucy Pullen

Nothing too spectacular I know, but it was quite relaxing to sit in the sunshine in my garden whilst doing this.
It’s also, I found a great little project to do. If you want to create something that looks good but don’t want to spend ages on it, then 4 mini artworks are a good idea!

To do this I got one of my store cards and traced round it to create the oblongs in which I put my designs into. Then just fill with whatever you like! And you don’t have to stick to black and white! I’m planning to do this again one day but with an injection of colour too.

Also, I think that they’d make great designs for iPhone covers!